Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Story 17: Home Sweet Home

I can still remember my small town, my home sweet home.
“Maravatio” comes from the P'urhépecha word Marhabatio, meaning a precious place or thing. I was born in Ohio but my parents have always move back and forth from Mexico and United States. I have lived half of my life in the US and half of it in Mexico. I think if you want an interesting life you should live in Mexico, there’s so many things to do, you never get bored and people is so kind and humble; but if you want a good and quality life you should live in the US. Changing your residence is a hard thing but it gives you lots of life lessons and opportunities to know what you really want in your future.
Thinking about my beautiful Mexico all I can imagine is nature, rivers, flowers, animals, crowd streets, some old buildings, parties, different food smells and very good tasting.
Maravatio is a small town where most of the people are traders, their economy is not the best but they live well as they can, life is cheaper compared to lot of places and we have lots of near cities, like Mexico City, Queretaro, Guanajuato and beautiful blue beaches. There is also a place named Angangueo that is a  monarch butterfly biosphere reserve where butterflies fly from Canada in winter it is really fun to go and visit because you see lots of orange dots in the trees and they are all butterflies, you can’t even walk!
After eight years living in Mexico I never imagined my life in Ohio again, so when I heard my parents talking about coming back again at first I was really excited because I thought having a “new life” was going to be fun. Then I notice changing everything is not as easy as you think, it is a very big challenge.
I enjoyed every single day that I had left in Mexico because my parents didn’t tell me exactly what day we were going to leave.
One of the hardest thing for me in Ohio has been coexist with people that are different than me but the good thing is that I had already lived here so I was a little accustomed to here.
Sometimes I can  feel the taste of the awesome spicy food like tacos, burritos, pozole, tamales and I can also taste the sweet fruit in my mouth. At the morning you can hear birds singing and if you go downtown you can see that it is really crowd, you can see all types of people, most of them always have a smile in their face.
The most important thing is the place I am now in a place where everyone is different, a place where each day you learn something new.

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